Thursday, May 31, 2007

Letter to Troy and Baby Sister


I didn’t want this. I never imagined this could possibly happen. Yesterday I got a list of your mom’s demands from her attorney, because she has decided she wants a divorce. After months of trying to convince her not to break up our family, she has decided she can’t ever be happy with me. I think that there is a lot more going on here than she will acknowledge, but I can’t get through to her, and she’s putting an end to my trying. And her demands are a living nightmare for me: she wants to take you to move in with California Grandma and Grandpa, and only allow you to visit Oregon for a maximum of two weeks a year.

I love you children more than anything in this world. Troy, your excitement every night when I arrive at home is what gets me through the drudgery of another day at work. Your bright, blue eyes, the way you amaze us with your ability to remember things in the smallest detail, and your endless curiosity about this world has made the past three years with you so wonderful. I have all kinds of visual imagery of my time with you running through my head right now. Everybody loves Troy, everybody loves Troy, Troy, Troy, Troy! Troy, Troy, Troy!

And Delaney, I was so excited and convinced that you would grow up to be a Daddy’s Girl. The way you rolled over and beamed at me every morning when I would peek in at you before leaving for work made it so hard to leave each day, but of course I had to. But it also showed me that you were always in a happy mood. You weren’t even really awake, and yet you would just beam at me. You are so cute to watch now as you gain confidence in your walking, show us the periodic Wiggle Worm, and let the whole house know when there’s no more food on your tray. Daddy loves Delaney, Daddy loves Delaney, Daddy loves Delaney, Daddy loves “A-waney!”

I need to fight to keep you kids close to home. I hope things can work out so that you and I will always be close. No matter what problems your mom and I ever had, our family was always the most important thing to me. You are my world. I love you.


1 comment:

Jege (Jen) said...

Mike, reading that just breaks my heart.